Full Array of Home and community-Based Services
Caregiver DSA (Developmental Service Alternatives) serves intellectually or developmentally disabled adults through programs tailored to the individual and his or her situation and supports. Services can be provided in a residential or family-based setting, in the community, and/or the individual’s personal home.
ICF Program
An IFC is an intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions. It is a Medicaid certified program serving 6-8 individuals in residential group home settings with 24-hour staff.
HCBS Program
The Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) program promotes individualized program development and community support services for persons with IDD.
Our Behavioral Health Services are designed to give the individuals an opportunity to work on goals and teach skills for empowerment of personal growth.
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Programs and Services

HCBS Program
The Home and Community Based Services program is a choice-driven program, which promotes and maintains consumer and family involvement in providing individualized program development and community support services for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It provides services and supports to eligible individuals as an alternative to Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities or related conditions (ICF/IID) Program.
There are several day program providers that we work with to ensure that all of the individuals that we serve are afforded an opportunity for employment. Shares, Inc. is one of the day programs that we use. Their website is

Intermediate Care Facilities
Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Related Conditions, is a Medicaid certified program, serving 6-8 individuals in residential group home settings with 24-hour shift staff. Individuals are evaluated and an individualized treatment plan is developed to assist each individual to function at their greatest ability. Services include residential, day habilitation, psychological, money management, and training to enhance daily living needs.
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